

FindHello allows people to find free resources near their location by entering city or resource sought, e.g. legal, housing/food, healthcare, education, jobs, community, etc.

Searchable by locationFindHello allows users to search for resources by location with hundreds of free and low cost resources located around the country.
Legal HelpThere are a number of free legal clinics and FindHello provides their users with the website, phone number, and location of legal aid clinics near you.
Housing & FoodFor assistance connecting with government funded housing and food resources and with resources provided by private organizations.
Resettlement ServicesFor services related directly to immigration, including legal help, food, and other resources for immigrants.
Jobs & CareersFor assistance applying for jobs, perfecting your resume, and career skills training, these free resources help recent immigrants find gainful employment.
Healthcare & CounselingFor checkups or access to more long terms care, FIndHello connects immigrants to a number of resources for healthcare and psychological counseling.
Children & TeensFor connecting with local programs that offer childcare, teen counseling, after school programs, and many more services related to children and teens.
CommunityFor more general services that could be helpful to new immigrants like English classes, tech classes, support groups and more.
Emergency ServicesFor assistance with mental health, domestic violence, crisis lines, and more.

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